Why you Should Invest in Real Estate in 2021

Why you Should Invest in Real Estate in 2021

Hey guys Keir here coming to you live for this week’s message. What I want to talk about why you should invest in real estate in 2021. Now a lot of people think about real estate. As a great investment, a great asset class. They also think that sometimes when...
How to Defend Your Commission

How to Defend Your Commission

This week’s message is focused on how to defend your commission. And this is a really important topic because it’s how to defend your livelihood. This is the way in which real estate agents, make money, make income. And increasingly in this world,...
How you can have your best year ever…starting today!

How you can have your best year ever…starting today!

I came down to Tulum, Mexico for a few days to really close out last year and to start this year on the right foot. To gain some clarity around what I really want to manifest and make it happen and create in my life here in 2021. And also take stock of what I’m...

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