Have you ever feared you would never find your true purpose and potential, and achieve your dreams in life? Have you ever woken up one day, and wondered why you weren’t in a different place life?
I have.
I never would have thought in a million years I would end up in prison. I had a great family and childhood. I was having fun in college with friends. One night out after drinking too much I caused a tragic accident on a boat. It was the worst possible thing that could have ever happened. I was sentenced to serve up to 6 years in New York State prison for vehicular manslaughter.
Everything changed forever in an instant, but one thing did not: my iron will to persevere and never give up. My vision was strong. My why was unwavering.
Don’t count time. Make time count.
After going my entire first year in real estate without making $1 of income, to racking up $40,000 in debt, to still living at home, I was again confronted with another huge wall. Discouragement and self-doubt began to creep into my mind. But I persevered. I refused to give up.
After thirteen months in the real estate business I sold my first property. Then another. Until I became the top broker in my company and soon after formed my own brokerage team. I had broken through that wall and finally hit a turning point. The next step for me was launching multiple businesses that topped seven figures. The world had finally opened up for me.
Every day I am driven by gratitude and humility. The ability to share my success and experience with others is something I don’t take lightly. After all these years of roadblocks and overcoming obstacles I want to help you break free from each of these in your life. The boating accident was the worst possible tragedy that could have ever happened, but my time in prison was the best thing that happened to me. It finally gave me purpose in my life. I took the opportunity to heal and grow.
Don’t let the past control your future.
Have you ever felt defeated, broken, and without motivation in the face of huge obstacles? Have you ever feared you won’t find your true purpose and potential or achieve your goals in life? I have felt all of these emotions. Our future and destiny in life is not controlled by our past. Everyone has the ability to break free, and reach your potential. Through perseverance and an unwavering commitment to our goals and ourselves we can achieve true freedom in life in every sense.
We can all live a life of impact, fulfillment, and abundance on our own terms. So chase after your dreams and vision. Let’s do this together as a tribe, community, and a movement. Let’s GO!!